How we met, how we started this guild, it all began in this world.
Discover Vindictus a FREE online fast motion 3D fighter built on Valve's Source engine that offers unprecedented freedom of motion, realistic, brutally elegant, physics-based combat in a non-targetting battle style and co-operative boss battles unlike anything ever experienced in a free-to-play MMO!
Vindictus offers stunning vissuals with a breathtaking story. Join challenging battles with up to 4 players or brutal raids with up to 12 party members. Don't miss the extensive crafting system and user-driver economy.
Vindictus has the best combat system from mmo's, it is the ultimate game in terms of action and fashion!

Please respect and obey our precious Rules

BlackTornado is a guild primarily founded in Vindictus EU. The core of the guild, consists of friends and people who have been playing together for a long time. Our main focus has been and always will be to provide an awesome place for people to enjoy their time in our guild.

We are more than just a BlackTornado.
We are strong, stormy and destructive
but also free and proud.
Come see the softer side of BlackTornado.
Peace, prosperity, progress,
forwards in unity.
We bring BlackTornado to life.
From the Grounds to the Skies.

Character Tier List

Keep in mind the Tier list above is just an indicication for new players and returners how characters are rated. 
How easy it is to get use to a certain character and how a character generally performs in certain aspects of content.
Like all tier list, this is subjective. Based on endgame content, also assuming well geared and highly skilled play.

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