Guild Story



Our history

How we met, how we started this guild, it all began in this world.

Almost 8 years ago, the night was stormy, rainy, lightnings were dominating the sky and made pieces of unreturnable art. People were in a hurry to their warm homes, in a bad mood because the wonderful summer night was ruined. I was walking slowly, no idea where I had to go. Wandering around in the big city on my own. Rain drops fell down on me, splashed on my nose.. I never felt so lonely.. tears found their way out, rolling over my cheeks. The street was almost empty, shops were getting closed, no more kids with balloons. I passed by one narrow street, there was a small spot where I could find some shelter from the rain. Over my back, in the darkness, faded red eyes. I didn't know what that was, but I felt strange. I stepped in the street and I was surprised. It was a little black homeless wolf, wet from the rain. He came to me and pushes to my leg with his head, trying to push me forward. So I turned aound to make way for finding some other place with shelter. But the wolf was following me. He was really strange. He only reacts to me and was sniffing around like a hypnotic. Curious for what he was up to, I started following him. We were walking through the streets, where could he lead me to, in this city? Eventually we entered a dark street where he rushed into. There was a blonde girl and I helped her to stand up, cleared her jacket and I Introduced myself. Her name was Everika. The wolf came to her and she was frightened he would bite her.
"Don't worry, he is friendly."
"What's his name ?"
"I don't know, I've just found him tonight."
But the wolf reacted weird, he was running around her happily.
"Why is he so happy?"
"I don't know, I've never seen this before, I guess he likes you."
Everika giggles shyly, but looked up at me with eyes of curiosity, “what now?”, she asked. “Come, let’s find shelter or at least a place where we can stay for the night, tomorrow I want to search for a guy I have met yesterday”.

Next day, the wolf started to sniff around again.
“What is he doing?”
“I have no idea, last time when he was sniffing around he brought me straight to you.”
I look at the dog, trying to get his attention, as he turns his head into my direction I asked: “Do you want to help us searching for a guy?”
After a short moment, the dog continues sniffing around.
“ugh, I can’t remember what the guy told, something with the fields around the city”.
Before Everika could respond to this, the dog looked up like if he saw water turning into fire. The dog made its way through the streets. We followed him in a rush, out of the city, until we entered the forest. Without realizing how deep we went into the forest, we noticed the area around us began to darken. The darkness was closing in on us, the cold air gave me a strange feeling, I started to shake a little each time the wind waved over my skin.
Everika grabbed my hand and asked with a frightened voice: “W..what is that.. over there?”
In the dark.. a vast dark shade that we couldn’t explain. The dog slowly marked its way toward it, with us not to far behind. We found him sitting next to a guy. The guy responded within a second, which scared me. We point our weapons as he pulled a dual blade. I wanted to scream out of happiness as I recognized his face, but it was disturbed by another emotion.
“Idrial, Everika?!” The guy said with an astonished face. 
With unexpected faces they looked at each other and probably with the question, how have the others met each other?
“oh, hihi. Heya QuiJinn!”



A rainy day in the northwest outskirts of Rocheste, the muddy ground was dripping rhythmically with the rain drops and the soaked sheep were sheltering under the trees.
We arrive to a little hut, where a poor but love filled family lived. A man, a very tall man, robust and with a scar around his eye, carrying a basket sheltered between his cape and arms… The basket was filled with fruit and clothes, but these clothes were too small for this big man even if he tried to fit them on his pinky. He hung his cape and rushed to the next door, and then his smile lightened up, like the sun who was absent… There was a woman, a beautiful dark haired woman, with white and fragile skin. She was laying down on the bed with a very young baby on her arms, a newly born life, product of an unending love, the man came closer to them.
Leaving the basket on the bed, he pulled out a pair of pants “Look what your old man brought you” he said in a happy tone and danced with his arms “Now there’s no need for you to live on naked”.
The woman laughed as the baby tried to reach for those pants, and then made the effort to stand up. “Let’s hope they fit him, else we’ll just have to cut daddy’s clothes” she said looking at the baby and the man dropped down his shoulders “Oh, it’s too soon for him to feel the fabric of a workers clothes” he came closer to them and then gently placed his hand on the baby’s head “No, you won’t need to feel such uncomfortable things, my son” and looked at an armor fit into sand bag on a corner; having served in the royal army and shared adventures with the commander Ingkells and captain Aodhan. His daydream was interrupted by the voice of his wife: “His name is QuiJinn” she spoke gently “And he’ll be as strong as his father”. The man just smiled after those words... It is true, after all, new lives are molded by those who have already lived enough.

Thirteen years later…

“QuiJinn, come now, we are going to visit Colhen for supplies!” spoke the big man as saddled two horses, out the front door stormed and energetic kid and jumped up the horse with notable agility. “Let’s get to Colhen!” he said eagerly, and it was most obvious his excitement, he has never been in Colhen before.
And so they began their way through the forest and to Colhen, “We’ll visit an old friend of mine while we’re there. Hopefully he’ll still remember my face after not seeing it in the battlefield for so long” and he let out a laugh.
The Village of Colhen, QuiJinn jumped down from his horse and looked around, while his father went in the General store to purchase goods. It wasn’t long before he encountered a red haired girl playing with cloth dolls “Who are you?” She asked as she held the doll onto her chest “You’re a new face, what’s your name?” She asked again as she came closer to him. QuiJinn just smiled and replied “Name’s QuiJinn, I’m from the eastern fields of Rocheste” the girl stood silent for a while “I-I see… My name is Clodagh” she replied and then turned back. 
“What a weird girl…” said QuiJinn to himself, suddenly he heard a voice behind him “I see my qualities for the ladies came down to you, son” it was his father who was carrying a bag with food and other supplies on his back “let’s tie this to the horses and visit Aodhan”.

Seven years later…

He left his hometown when it was destroyed by the Fomors and came to Rocheste to join the Royal Army. But after rejection, he made his way back. "Perhaps there is another city with a royal army who do see future in me." The wind became stronger, like a storm is about to come. The strong winds remind him of the day the fomors broke into his hometown. "A town with some huts, and farms, what have we ever done to them?" He whispered to himself. "My parents.. my dad told me to go to.. Colhen?" He looked up, like a whole new world opened the doors for him. His eyes now fixed on Colhen. 

The sun disappeared in the west, as he was walking in the forest, finding his way to Colhen, the village he could remember when he was still a kid. On his way, he had a feeling he should be close, something was near him. The moon, high on the nights sky, yet not bright enough to lighten the path for him to guide the way to Colhen. Feeling forced to build a campfire he sat down on a tree trunk. Not much later he has been noticed, a kid appeared from the dark. On her face you couldn’t notice a single presence of anxiety. The girl walked straight to him, she was exhausted. They looked each other in the eye, with silence on the background, only the wind weaving through the leaves of the trees. The young man broke the silence by adding wood to the bonfire. The girl took place at the side of the bonfire, it looks like she had it cold out there by her own.
The girl tries to warm her hands by the fire.

Without even thinking about the fact that it is a bit weird, in order to be joined in the middle of the night by a very young girl, QuiJinn asked: 

"Everything alright?"
The girl moves her head a little toward his direction, but turned back to the fire. She seems to be lost in her thoughts.
“What are you doing in a place like this at this time, why are you here?”
With a soft voice, almost like whispering, she responds, trying not to burst out in tears.
"I lost my home.. Fomors.. I want it back.. revenge"
"Sorry for your loss, you have my condolence"
"What about you, what is your story?" she asked.
"Alright, let's see... I am traveling in hopes for joining the Royal Army."

“The Royal Army?”
“That’s right.”
“Shouldn’t you be heading to Rocheste then?”
“I already did, but they didn’t let me inside, claiming that I was too weak…”
“… So?”
“So, I remembered a town, where I was supose to go with my dad for business, and it turns out that there is a mercenary group by the name of the Crimson Blade at Colhen. I have also learned that if I gain enough experience within this mercenary band, I will be able to join the Royal Army in Rocheste in the future. And with that, I am heading to Colhen.”
“Colhen, you say…”
“… uhm.. I could use a strong group too.”
“Strong, huh? Why?”
“Because, I have to reclaim what was taken away from me.”
“How about I join you then? I am stronger than I look.”

The girl grinned at him and stood up.

“Its dawn… I have to go.”
“Oh? Take care then.”
“Thanks for everything.”
She started to walk away, but then stopped and turned around.
“I am Everika, What’s your name?”
“Everika? My name is QuiJinn.”
“Farewell, QuiJinn. If you are as strong as you think, I am sure we will meet again.”
“Haha, sure, till next time.”

He extinguished the fire, packed his stuff and made himself ready again for another long walk. "Maybe I should go back to Rocheste again, like I always did with my dad before going to Colhen. A city can easily be found, and from there on I might remember the way to Colhen, it shouln't be that far."

"I can't continue my journey to Rocheste in a storm like this, where am I?" The tornado seems to grow or was it moving into his direction? Bigger and bigger as it became, he knew he had to keep moving. Through the storm he tried to search for shelter but without success. His sight was fading, could it be true? "A board with a name on it..Rocheste, the city!.. here.. in the middle of nowhere? Where am I? Anyway, it doesn't matter, finally I found the way to Rocheste!" The rocky mountain scenery went slowly over into a hillside. By trotting down the mountain, as a shortcut he came out on an open field, with Rocheste around the corner. "Well, that went quickly." As he approached the gate, greeting the guard in the name of his father, made him pass. "Everything looks exactly how I can remember!" He said with a confused voice, like if the people here haven't noticed a single thing of war, maybe not even heared about the Fomors. Straight ahead, at the open bar there was a girl sitting alone, no one else around. You could hear some noise of whistling birds in the distance. "What does she doing here, at the bar, and all alone?" Out of curiosity, not even a hesitate to turn around, he walked straight to her.


“The east you say?” QuiJinn asked with a sense of curiosity in his voice. “A mysterious but beautiful place, that’s what they say at the bars.” The girl looked at him for a moment, and he caught a fast smile of the girl while she nod. You rarely see people from the east coming over to the lands of Rocheste. 
QuiJinn places his hands on the table and bend forward, toward the girl “How is it, to live there? Is there peace in your land?” he asked happily, but with doubt, like if he had many more questions.
The girl took a comfortable position, and started to tell about her homeland.

A village called Orthigeal, with castle walls in the front on a mountain cliff, hidden behind a huge forest. 
Walls touching the morning clouds, the sun reflects the light and project the luxury of the castle on the dancing dawn drips in the pure air. A noble family, rich by great income , the lands are filled with fertile soil caused the great economy of the village. The family was loved all over the town, because of their good care over the towns people. Everyone was close together and very kind. But one day was overwhelming all others. “The day that you were born…” A man said. A young girl was listening carefully to the man. With a little pause the sentence was not complete yet, as the man continued. “… it was raining…” The girl looked confused, what does he mean by that? “… but it was no rain, the sky was crying because it just lost its beautiful star.” He said with a calming voice, as he looked at her. You became a beautiful girl, tomorrow I will take you to the city in the far west.”
Then there was a small moment of silence between the two, she took a deep breath and continued on.
“But that day never came real.. that night, we were under attack by the Fomors. Our walls well protected, we could not predict that this would ever happen. My dad holds my hand and brought me to the back side of the castle, a small path going down the mountain. He told me to do not look back and run as fast as I can to the west, to search for a city called Rocheste. So that’s how I got here.” With tears in her eyes she looked into the eyes of QuiJinn and didn’t know what to say anymore, no word she could release, just to avoid herself from bursting out in tears. “I have never expected so much pain inside such a young pretty girl.” Said QuiJinn with an attentive face. Suddenly she spoke “They taught me how to control my feelings, to let them flow through my staff. “Fire is pain, ice is sadness and lightning is madness.” She explained, to which QuiJinn respond immediately. “I am sure you are a great magician, can’t wait to have you on my side. But may I know your name m’ lady?” He asked gently. The girl giggled “My name is Idrial, in my town I was known as Idrial lady of light, because I used lightning spells most of the time. Let’s meet up tomorrow, at the fields of Rocheste? Sure! Idrial answered, but we have to stay focussed on what is yet to come.” She said with certainty in her voice.

----everything below still under construction----


~Formation of the guild~

“Idrial, Everika?!” The guy said with an astonished face. 
With unexpected faces they looked at each other and probably with the same question, how have the others met each other?
“oh, hihi. Heya QuiJinn!”

“You know each other? And What brings you here in the forest?”
“You told me to meet up around the fields of Rocheste later the day, but this dog lead us into the forest, and well here we are.” Idrial blushed happily.



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